A milestone in the journey to end the pandemic
May 5, 2021![Staff at the Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Megasite stand with vaccinated patients](/sites/default/files/hg_features/hg_post/b9a30615df9e56ab12912836bedaa691.jpg)
By Sherrie Bragg, MSN, RN
Clinical Facility Manager, Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Megasite, Director, Ambulatory Nursing, AtlantiCare
“I am so proud of you.”
I share this message nearly every day at the Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Megasite in recognition of the team and those getting vaccinated.
This week, we marked our 250,000th appointment through which our team has vaccinated individuals at the site in the Atlantic City Convention Center and through Megasite off-site clinics. Mindy Healy had the appointment. She was so excited about getting her second dose. She shared with our team that she was especially concerned about protecting her customers. She’s a bartender. She rolled up her sleeve and closed her eyes. Siani Alicea, RN, AtlantiCare nurse, administered Mindy’s vaccine. With her eyes still closed, Mindy asked, “Did you do it yet?” Then Siani vaccinated Mindy’s husband, Bill Healy. The two of them shared how a friend had recommended they come to the megasite. They grabbed and donned their “COVID-19 Vaccinated” pins. Mindy showed us a picture of a colleague wearing his pin. She had suggested he visit the site – and he did.
In all of my nursing career, I never thought I’d hear people expressing joy about getting vaccinated. I am thrilled.
The stories the Healy’s shared are among thousands of tales those rolling up their sleeves have told us.
Some chose special dates – including anniversaries or birthdays – for their appointments.
Others came to us because a family member, friend, or co-worker encouraged them to do so.
Some lost loved ones to COVID or had COVID themselves.
Others had health issues that put them at greater risk of getting the virus and having complications.
Less than two months ago, we celebrated giving our 100,000th dose March 19, to James Plummer. Ninety years old and an active deacon in his church, he had connected with congregants remotely through the pandemic. He wanted to get back to seeing his congregants in person.
People want to protect themselves and others. Like Mr. Plummer, they want to get back to living and socializing as they did before we’d all heard of COVID.
On behalf of the entire megasite team, I thank every individual who has chosen to be vaccinated through the megasite or at another location in the community.
The Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Megasite is collaborative effort of state of New Jersey, Atlantic County, the New Jersey National Guard, and AtlantiCare. FEMA, the Coast Guard, nursing students, Medical Reserve Corps and so many other organizations, groups, and individuals have contributed to the life-saving service we are providing.
We all have much to celebrate, and much more to do in this journey to reach our destination of ending the pandemic.
There is ample vaccine available. If you haven’t gotten your vaccine, make an appointment at the megasite in Atlantic City by visiting vaccination.atlanticare.org, or get the vaccine at another location in your community.
If you’ve gotten the first of two-dose vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) get the second dose.
Continue to follow precautions and safety measures, including washing hands and avoiding others when sick.
Continue to make and keep primary and specialty care appointments and to seek urgent or emergency care when you need it.
And remember, we are on this journey together. Like most trips, we have stops and starts. We encounter roadblocks or unexpected turns in the road. We most successfully find our way when we listen to each other and work together to determine the path to our destination.