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Surgical Services


Exceptional Surgical Care Starts Here

If your doctor recommends surgery, rest assured you’re in good hands at AtlantiCare.

We offer a wide range of same-day procedures, so you can recover in the comfort of home. You’ll also find several nationally recognized programs right in your own community – from life-saving heart and neurological procedures, to life-changing weight loss and joint replacement options, as well as more precise and less painful vascular treatments than ever before.

Surgical Services

Our board-certified surgeons are some of the most experienced in all of New Jersey, with the skill to treat even the most complex conditions. They’re backed by leading-edge, minimally invasive technology like the da Vinci® Robotic Surgical System, offering you significantly less pain and faster recovery.

At every step, you can count on us to provide the support and compassionate care you need in a healing setting.

To make your appointment, call 1-888-569-1000.