For Patients

Welcome to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC). Within these pages you will find information about visiting hours, parking and gift shops. ARMC’s physicians and staff – everyone on your care team – work together to provide the highest-quality care you need and deserve.
AtlantiCare is committed to building healthy communities through partnerships with organizations that share its interest in health. AtlantiCare’s primary service offering of healthcare delivery, integrated with the complementary and strategic service offerings of health information and health engagement, focuses on delivering value at every stage of health: healthy, at-risk, or with acute or chronic illness.
Together, these services offer the elements necessary to achieve, maintain or return each member of the community to optimal health. AtlantiCare is an integrated system of services designed to help people achieve optimal health.
Patient & Patient Visitor Responsibility
AtlantiCare staff is committed to creating a professional and healing environment for your health and safety. To best care for you or your loved one, we expect the right to work without fear of violence or aggressive behavior.
AtlantiCare has a zero tolerance policy for aggressive behavior on its premises. Aggressive behavior may result in the termination of care. In the State of New Jersey, it is a second degree crime to assault a healthcare worker and offenders will be prosecuted.
Examples of aggressive behavior include:
- Verbal harassment
- Physical Assault
- Sexual language directed at others
- Threats
- Discriminatory, biased or harassing behavior
- Failure to respond to staff instructions
Our top priority is that patients receive the best care. AtlantiCare values its diverse workforce and is confident its team members can provide high quality care. Accordingly, patients may not select their health care professionals based on a provider’s personal characteristics, with very limited exceptions that relate to potential harms to a patient if a request is not granted.