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Understanding Community Needs

community-survey-2015In order to achieve our vision of building healthy communities, AtlantiCare recognizes that it first must understand the needs of the community we are proud to serve. In order to do this, AtlantiCare regularly assesses the healthcare concerns of our residents through a comprehensive data review and dedicated opportunities to collect consumer feedback sessions. The most recent Community Health Needs Assessment was released in 2016. The previous 2013 assessment is also available for comparative purposes.  This assessment better enables AtlantiCare to recognize the identified community issues and in partnership with other community agencies and interested groups coordinate targeted and impactful responses.
In response to the above report, AtlantiCare intends to implement a host of strategies all which strive to improve the overall health and wellbeing of those within our region. 

Learn more about our strategies 

Community Sponsorship Requests

The vision of building healthy communities is at the heart of everything we do at AtlantiCare. We focus on partnering with people and organizations in our community to attain optimal health and wellness.  In doing so, we hope to improve the quality of life in our community.  We accomplish our goals by developing and sustaining healthcare and wellness services to meet the needs of our community and also by contributing to other organizations whose work enhances the well-being of our community.

Submit your request for support here.