Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis
One Scan Can Save Your Life

Each year, lung cancer claims more lives than colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. That’s largely because lung cancer symptoms usually don’t appear until the disease has advanced.
But there's good news. AtlantiCare proudly offers the low-dose CT scan — a groundbreaking tool to catch the disease in its earliest stages, before symptoms show. Early detection means more treatment options and better survival rates. In fact, the screening has proven to reduce the risk of death by up to 20%.
Call 1-888-569-1000 to schedule a low-dose CT lung scan at an AtlantiCare location near you.
Why Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening?
During this simple test, an X-ray machine scans the entire body, using low doses of radiation to make detailed pictures of the lungs. This allows our doctors to detect even the smallest tumors, and offers a variety of benefits for patients at high risk of lung cancer:
- Effective: Studies show that low-dose CT is four times more likely to pick up a mass than a traditional chest X-ray. It has also proven to be at least as effective as mammography and colonoscopy screenings in saving lives.
- Safe: CT scanning for lung cancer uses up to 90% less radiation than a conventional chest CT scan.
- Painless: It’s noninvasive and only takes a few minutes to complete.
- Covered: Medicare, Medicaid and most health insurers cover this crucial screening for those who qualify (see below).
- Convenient: CT scans are offered at AtlantiCare locations near where you live and work.
You can find extra peace of mind knowing that we’ve earned national recognition as a Lung Cancer Screening Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology. That means we offer the most effective CT imaging technology available and the highest standards of patient safety and care.
Should we find anything abnormal, our dedicated team will arrange follow-up testing and, if needed, work closely with you to create a personalized cancer treatment plan to help return you to good health.
Do I Qualify for the Screening?
You may be eligible for a low-dose CT scan if you:
- Are between the ages of 50 and 80
- Are a heavy smoker or former heavy smoker
- Have quit smoking within the last 15 years
- Have gone more than one year since your last chest CT