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Summer has finally arrived and we know that everyone is excited to get outdoors and have some fun in the sun! To ensure that this summer is a memorable one for the right reasons, the ARMC trauma team is here to provide you with some safety reminders:

  • Wear sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Higher SPF can protect you from slightly more harmful rays, but nothing will protect you 100% so be wise about your time in the sun!
  • Remember to stay hydrated. Always have a bottle of water handy if you plan on spending time outdoors. Early signs of dehydration include dizziness, headache and weakness and they should not be ignored.
  • Always jump feet first into a body of water with an unknown depth. Many spine and head injuries occur from diving into shallow water. Body surfing is also a common cause of spine injury. Always keep your arms extended out in front of you if you choose to do this activity.
  • Remain alert around any body of water, regardless of the depth. Children ages 0-4 are at the highest risk of drowning. Always ensure that an adult is present and capable of supervising children while they are in the water. Only swim on guarded beaches and implement a buddy system around bodies of water. If a child should go missing, always search bodies of water first. Remember that drowning is frequently a silent killer and does not always look like it does in the movies!
  • Always wear a helmet while bicycling and look both ways when crossing an intersection. On average, one crash-related pedestrian death occurs every 90 minutes!
  • There is nothing that beats driving with the windows down and listening to your favorite summer song. Be smart this summer and do not drive distracted or while under the influence of alcohol!

We want to wish everyone a happy and safe summer! Please make wise decisions.

By: Kelly M. Willman, MD, Trauma Surgeon, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center

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