Quality and Outcomes

Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
EBP promotes a clinical environment where the most current clinical evidence, derived from appraisal of the most relevant evidence, taking into consideration patient preference, and clinical expertise to provide the best care and achieve positive outcomes. EBP is embedded in daily practice through policy development, standards of care, patient care delivery models, and quality improvement initiatives.
The Nursing Research Council obtained permission from the University of IOWA to utilize the IOWA Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Improve Quality Care. This model provides a guide for clinical decision-making and for details regarding implementation of evidence-based practice, and includes both practitioner and organizational perspectives.
Nursing Evidence Based Practice and Research Council
Nursing research is integral to professional practice at AtlantiCare. Nurses at all levels are involved in research activities to explore, predict and discover practice applications. Nursing research is used as the scientific basis for confirming or enhancing existing knowledge as well as generating new knowledge. The result is validation of existing practice, implementation of changes in practice, and enhanced evidence based provision of patient care.
Nursing Research Council
The Nursing Evidence Based Practice and Research Council (EBPRC) ensures the conscientious integration of evidence-based practice (EBP) and research into clinical and operational processes to promote the safest and best practices for patients and practice environments. The council ensures nurse researchers and council members are knowledgeable in the protection of human subjects through completion of CITI training, and collaboration with the IRB.
Through mentoring and partnering with clinicians, the Nursing EBPRC assists with project development and promotes internal and external dissemination of research and EBP initiatives. Members participate in the Southern New Jersey Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research Consortium, the New Jersey Consortium of Magnet® Organizations, and professional nursing specialties to network, foster change, and generate new knowledge. The council provides oversight and guides students through the organizational research and EBP processes.
Performance Improvement - Excellence in Action
AtlantiCare Nurses are involved with quality initiatives. Nursing leadership fosters a culture where nurses are empowered to utilize meaningful data to initiate change in patient care delivery. Nurses are encouraged and rewarded for participating as “champions” and change agents. Champions are mentored in specific patient care delivery initiatives and become experts and consultants to their colleagues. Champions lead nursing and interprofessional colleagues in exploring and strategizing initiatives for their patient populations, unit, and department. This integrative approach creates a culture of ownership, positive patient outcomes, and staff satisfaction.
Annually, nursing leadership sets the stage by aligning the nursing annual plan with the organizational strategic priorities under the “5 Best” performance excellence domains (Best Quality, Best People Best Workplace, Best Customer Experience, Best Financial Performance, Best Growth).
Nurses actively participate in contributing to organizational outcomes through daily practice, personal goals, and organizational commitments.