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27th Annual Trauma Symposium

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27th Annual Trauma Symposium
May 19 - 21, 2025

Location: Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City Hotel & Casino

We would like to invite you to the 27th Annual Trauma Symposium to be held at the Harrah’s Resort Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ. It will address the latest advances and topics in trauma, critical care and emergency medicine, while emphasizing the importance of quality patient care. Speakers will include national and regional experts. This educational opportunity offers continuing education credits and networking opportunities for professional healthcare providers who contribute to the interdisciplinary care of the injured patient.

The symposium will feature didactic lectures and inspiring keynote addresses, with a balance between evidence-based principles and innovative, thought-provoking elements of trauma, critical care and emergency medicine. This comprehensive course will incorporate current guidelines and the newest techniques for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment; and provide a valuable update on the management of injured and critically ill patients.

This symposium is designed for physicians, physician assistants, nurses/nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, prehospital advanced life support, and allied healthcare professionals.

Conference Information

2025 Non-AtlantiCare Employee Registration (PDF)

2025 Non-AtlantiCare Employee Registration (Online)

2025 AtlantiCare Employee Registration Form (PDF)

2025 Trauma Symposium Brochure (PDF)

2025 Trauma Symposium Agenda (PDF)


At the conclusion of this program participants should be able to:

  • Apply knowledge gained and lessons learned to provide quality trauma care in practice settings.
  • Explain management, technology and techniques for optimal care of diverse trauma, critical care and emergency medicine-related issues.
  • Illustrate the latest strategies and techniques for optimal care in the critical care setting, including pediatrics, respiratory care and overall patient management.