Before & After School Program

We provide an engaging, enriching before and after-school educational program for PreK through 5th graders who attend the Early Childhood Education Center or Warren E. Sooy Jr. Elementary School. The program gives students the opportunity to explore, learn and make friends while in a safe and structured environment.
310 Bellevue Ave.
Hammonton NJ, 08037
Phone: 609- 567-2900, ext. 104
Fax: 609- 567-3896
Office Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Warren E. Sooy Jr. Elementary School
601 N. Fourth Street
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Program Cell: 609-204-2334
Program Hours:
- Morning Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 8:35 a.m., Monday through Friday
- Afternoon Hours: 3:20 p.m. - 6:20 p.m., Monday through Friday
- School Half Days: 1:10 p.m. - 6:20 p.m.
Central Meeting Place/Pick-up: Cafeteria
The AtlantiCare Before & After School program is an engaging, enriching after-school educational program providing students the opportunity to explore, learn and make friends while in a safe and structured environment.
The program is open to PreK through 5th graders.
Morning Program
Students can purchase breakfast through the food service program and are invited to play board games, color or complete any work they may have prior to being dismissed.
Afternoon Program
3:20 - 3:30: Students are dismissed from their classrooms. They meet the HFSC staff in the cafeteria. Students sign in and wash their hands in preparation for Snack Time.
3:30 - 3:45: Snack Time: HFSC staff provide the snacks, which could include:
graham crackers
string cheese and crackers
Students can also pick from a milk carton or juice. Parents/guardians can also provide their own snack.
3:45 - 4:00 (some days): G.U.M Time
G.U.M. stands for Get Up and Move. This is a short time for students to exercise or play a game in the gym. It gives them the opportunity to stretch and transition from the school day to program time. If they participate in G.U.M. we provide receive a piece of sugar-free gum when leaving for the day.
3:45 - 4:45: Homework Time
AtlantiCare Before & After School Program provides an hour of homework completion and assistance time.
4:15 - 4:45: Playhouse
During this time the students who have finished their homework can choose whether they want to play a structured game in the gym or board games in the cafeteria. On nice days they can also choose to go outside. The goal of Playhouse is to keep these students engaged while not disturbing students still doing homework.
4:45 - 5:30/5:45: Activity Time
This could include math, spelling, team-building/cooperative games, electronics time, monthly theme days or weekly club meetings.
Weekly Clubs
The afterschool program hosts an array of fun and interactive weekly clubs during the AtlantiCare Before & After School Program. Whether you’re a gamer, artist or sports fan, our center is sure to have something for you to enjoy. The HFSC weekly clubs include, but are not limited to, Chess, Drawing, Puzzle Making, Sports (dodgeball, kickball soccer, etc.), Science Experiments, Drama, Scooters, Electronics, Summer Fun and others. Weekly clubs change from month to month.
Yearly Events
The afterschool program also hosts many different festive-family-fun activities throughout the year, including a Pumpkin Carving Contest and Fall Festival, Holiday Lights Scavenger Hunt, Family Fitness Day, Super Bowl Party, and Family Picnic/Competition.
For registration fees, please call (609) 567-2900.
2020 - 2021 AtlantiCare Before & After School Program Application/Parent Handbook