Opioid Response Library
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Disposing of Opioids
If you're done taking opioids but have some pills left over, it's time to get rid of them. Keeping unused pills isn't safe. They can be deadly to people or pets who may find them. But don't simply throw opioids in the trash. Here's how to dispose of them safely.
Getting Help for Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction is overwhelming. It robs you of happiness and health. It can steal away your family and friends. But it is treatable. With the right support, you can beat opioid addiction. Let's learn about treatment options.
How Opioid Abuse Affects Personality
Opioids are powerful for controlling pain. But too often, they are abused. This leads to dependence and addiction. And as this happens, your personality can change.
How Opioids Affect the Brain
If you've had an injury or a surgery, your doctor may prescribe an "opioid." This is a type of powerful painkiller. Opioids can mask severe pain. They may help when other pain control methods aren't working. But they can also affect your brain in a way that's harmful. You can become addicted. Let's learn about how they interact with your brain.
Managing Your Medications
Did you remember to take your pills this morning? Wait, do you take the oval pill with food, or without? It's easy to make a mistake with your medications if you aren't organized. But relax, these tips will help you manage your medications with no worries.
Opioid Medications
Opioids are a class of powerful drugs. They can control severe pain. Oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine are examples of prescription opioids. So are morphine and fentanyl.
Opioid Misuse
If you control pain with an opioid prescription, you may have been warned about the dangers of misuse. But what is misuse, exactly? Let's take a few minutes to learn about opioid misuse and how to avoid it.
Opioids (Common Side Effects)
Opioids are a powerful class of drugs. They can control severe pain. But many people who use opioids experience some side effects. You should be aware of these side effects so you can use these drugs safely.
Opioids (Physical Dependence and Addiction)
Opioids are a class of powerful drugs. They can block pain signals, and they can help control severe pain. But they can be dangerous. Over time, you may find it hard to stop taking opioids. And some people become addicted to the drugs.
Opioids and Chronic Pain Management
Opioids are a powerful class of drugs. They can control severe pain. But they often aren't recommended for many types of chronic pain. That's because their long-term use can cause your body to begin to depend on them.
Opioids and Depression
We know pain and depression are linked. If you're in pain, you can become depressed about it. But did you know depression is also linked to certain pain medications? Let's take a few minutes to learn about this connection.
Side Effects of Long-Term Opioid Use
Opioids are powerful tools for controlling short-term pain. But using them for a long time can be dangerous. That's because long-term use causes severe side effects. Let's look at how they can impact you.
Signs of Opioid Abuse
Lately, something just doesn't seem right. You think your loved one could be abusing opioids. But how can you tell? Keep an eye out for these subtle signs of opioid abuse.
Tapering Opioid Use Safely
When it's time for you to stop taking your opioid medication, you need to do it safely. If you've only been using your medication for a brief time, your doctor may say it's OK to stop suddenly. But if you've used it for longer, your doctor may say you need to stop gradually to let your body adjust. We call this "tapering."
Understanding the Opioid Crisis
If you're taking an opioid to control pain, your doctor may have warned you about misuse. That's because opioid misuse leads to addiction. And opioid addiction has become a widespread problem. Let's learn about this public health crisis.
Using Opioids Safely
Opioids are powerful drugs. They control severe pain. But they can be dangerous or even life threatening if used incorrectly. Follow these guidelines for safe use.