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Preparing for Orthopedic Surgery

Thank you for choosing AtlantiCare for your orthopedic surgery. Use the information here to help you prep for your procedure with confidence.

The Center for Perioperative Medicine (CPM) is designed to provide the best patient outcomes for those having surgical procedures at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center. Our process helps ensure comprehensive pre-surgical care in an effort to avoid problems that can arise during and after surgery. This is a requirement for all patients undergoing anesthesia.

CPM Phone Call

A registered nurse will call you first to obtain your medical history, including current medications and past surgical history. Then the nurse will schedule your visit to CPM with either a physician or nurse practitioner, based on your health history and the type of procedure you’re having. The nurse will also reach out to your physicians and get office notes, previous tests and lab information.

Be prepared to provide:

  • A list of your current medications, including vitamins and supplements
  • Primary care provider (and specialists) information, including name, phone number and address
  • Pharmacy phone number and location

Also, make sure you give your surgeon's office the best phone number where you can be reached so we are able to contact you in a timely manner. This will prevent your procedure from being delayed.

CPM Visit

You will need to provide identification and insurance information when you register for your visit. You will then be taken to an exam room by a medical assistant who will weigh you and do an EKG if necessary. A physician or advanced practice nurse (APN) will greet you and complete a physical assessment. Labs and a urine sample may be completed during this visit. You will be given a bottle of antibacterial wash with instructions on how to use it.

This visit is meant to complement, not replace the care you are receiving from your primary medical doctor or specialists. While creating a "surgical home", you may be asked to undergo tests or further evaluations. These will not be repetitive and will be forwarded to your current care team. If you require further testing before your procedure, such as a stress test, echo or sleep study, we will assist in scheduling.

How to prepare for your visit:

  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled visit. If you are late for your appointment, you may need to reschedule.
  • You will be seen according to your appointment time, not your arrival time.
  • Plan to be at the visit for approximately one hour. Bring your ID/insurance cards (co-payments are not collected at this visit).
  • Bring a list of your medications.
  • Bring a copy of your advance directive if you have one.
  • You do NOT need to fast for blood work.
  • Drink plenty of fluids as you may need to provide a urine sample.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please call 609-684-5298 as soon as possible.

Having an upcoming hip or knee joint replacement surgery at AtlantiCare? Be sure to join one of our FREE patient education classes. Led by an experienced AtlantiCare orthopedic nurse, the sessions will cover what you can expect throughout your journey. It’s also the perfect chance to get any and all questions answered so you can feel confident and prepared. Friends and family are welcome to attend as well. RSVP now.

You can also get information and resources tailored to your specific stage of preparation or recovery during knee or hip replacement delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now.

  • Prehabilitation prepares your body for surgery. Making sure your body is as fit as possible before surgery prepares you for a quicker recovery. Prior to surgery, try to walk at least twice a day for at least 10 minutes.
  • If you’re overweight, losing weight is important in ensuring your safety through your surgical experience and reduces stress on your back and joints. AtlantiCare LifeCenter Fitness can help you on your journey. Explore our full range of fitness services and amenities.
  • Get any dental work done as bacteria can enter the body through your gums. If necessary, have any extractions or periodontal work done before your surgery.
  • Whatever you do, stop smoking if you’re a smoker. AtlantiCare offers the personalized support you need to quit for good.

Your provider may advise you to stop taking some of your current medications which could interfere with surgery.

  • Always make sure your providers are aware of all medications you take, including over-the-counter, vitamin supplements, minerals, etc.
  • Keep a list of everything you take on your computer so it can be printed out for each doctor.
  • At your pre-operative evaluation at the Center for Perioperative Medicine, you will be provided a list of medications you should take and those you should hold prior to your procedure.

Since mobility will be a challenge, make sure your home is prepared for you when you get out of the hospital.

  • Things you use daily should be within reach.
  • Make your walkways clear and free of clutter.
  • Get rid of loose carpets or exposed electrical cords that could cause a fall.
  • An ottoman or footstool can help you keep your operated limb straight out in front of you when sitting.
  • Pockets, pockets, pockets. Wear garments that have them for necessities or carry a shoulder bag.

Call your insurance company to verify what is covered and if you have any co-pays.