Program Leadership Welcome

Thank you for your interest in AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s internal medicine residency program!
It is my pleasure to share with you an inside look into our Internal Medicine Residency program and the outstanding education you will experience here.
Our program is ACGME accredited and has also received osteopathic recognition. AtlantiCare has been training residents since 1937; we are committed to providing trainees with the highest quality graduate medical education. Our program plays an integral part in the ability of AtlantiCare to meet and further its mission, vision, and values.
The Internal Medicine residents rotate through two campuses of AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, City Campus and Mainland Campus, and serve both the surrounding communities. The full time and volunteer teaching faculty is comprised of both university and community hospital trained internists and subspecialists who offer a practical approach to patient care. The Internal Medicine residents care for patients in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.
In addition to a comprehensive, multi-specialty inpatient and ambulatory care experience, AtlantiCare is home to the Heart & Lung Institute, the Neurosciences Institute and the Cancer Care Institute, as well as a Level 2 Trauma Center, all of which provide a unique educational opportunity for the residents.
IM Residents rotate through all core rotations; in addition all PGY 2 trainees spend two weeks in our Neuro-intensive Care Unit. PGY 3 residents have the opportunity to do a two week Leadership elective with our senior leadership team. All residents complete approximately six months of critical care training, in addition to approximately nine months of ambulatory care and approximately seven months of general floor services. Approximately fifty percent of our PGY 3 residents pursue fellowship opportunities.
We offer osteopathic recognition track for both allopathic and osteopathic residents that are eligible and interested in the principles and practices of osteopathy. Emphasizing a whole-person approach to treatment and care, osteopathic physicians are trained to listen and partner with their patients to help them get healthy and stay well. This track is committed to teaching and assessing Osteopathic Principles and Practice (OPP) at the graduate medical education level. Residents in this track will earn an extra distinction of osteopathic recognition upon completion of training.