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Pinelands Regional High School Blog

At Pinelands Regional, we are striving to create wellness rooms, appropriately named Wildcat Wellness Dens, in both the high and junior high schools utilizing various funding methods. Through AtlantiCare, we are able to get creative and extend methods and activities designed to promote health, fitness, mindfulness, wellness, and self-care beyond the confines of the wellness dens.

This year our grant allowed us to create wellness carts, aka "Fitness to Go: Where the Workout Comes to You," that have resources and equipment to do workouts in any part of our district, whether it be in a classroom, cafeteria, hallway, or outside area. Included on the carts are rope-less jump ropes, kettlebells, exercise cards, strength grips, and motivational promotion materials. Our carts are being utilized by PE classes, athletic teams, after-school clubs, and intramurals, with future plans to incorporate their use in Staff Professional Development Days as well as in Family Fitness Nights.

Recently, the junior high school hosted a "Sneak Peak" night for incoming sixth graders. The wellness den and cart were included in this open house, as well as during "CAT CAMP," which were activities for students to participate in after state testing ended each day. The high school also utilized that cart during state testing and also makes it available during lunch periods in the commons, which is the hub of the building. The carts have been a huge success in the Pinelands Regional School District!

Pinelands Regional High School Blog
Pinelands Regional High School Blog