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Healthy Schools, Healthy Children

Healthy Schools Banner

Happy healthy children

We believe that healthy lifestyle education and behaviors should begin at an early age, in an effort to ensure a healthier future for our next generation.

Healthy Schools, Healthy Children is one way AtlantiCare backs our commitment to take you and your family well into the future.

Through our partnership with local schools, we assist with the implementation of fitness, nutrition and wellness programming, and making resources available to schools, students and families. Research clearly demonstrates a strong correlation between healthy children and positive academic performance levels.

If you are interested in learning more about this program and/or if you think your school may be interested in becoming a partnering school please contact us at: [email protected].

Learn about our AtlantiCare School Based Services.

School Health Specialist

The School Health Specialist assists local school districts in developing, organizing, and executing health and wellness initiatives within the framework of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive social service programs in a safe, stress free, and decompressing environment while providing the necessary support to staff, students, and parents.We are dedicated to delivering comprehensive wellness and social emotional learning (SEL) programs in a safe, nurturing, and decompressing environment while providing the necessary support to staff, families, and school-wide population.

Click here to learn more: School Health Specialist Flyer  

Click here to learn more about our Youth Advisory Board