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Interventional Pulmonology

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Provider using a cardiograph machine

Monarch Robotic Bronchoscopy

With the Monarch Bronchoscopy System, our team is able to perform lung endoscopies with more control and precision than ever before, and can diagnose small, hard-to-reach nodules in the periphery of the lung. This lets us treat cancer in its earliest stages, when treatment is most likely to be successful.

One of the newest internal medicine subspecialties, interventional pulmonology uses sophisticated, pioneering technology to diagnose and treat problems in the lungs and airway. Less invasive than surgery, these procedures are often the first line of action against airway problems including tumors, fluid buildup, bleeding and any abnormality that causes discomfort or blocks the free movement of air.

Amit Borah, M.D., AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s interventional pulmonologist works hand-in-hand with Vincent Lotano, M.D., AtlantiCare Medical Director of Thoracic Surgery. Using a tiny camera and miniature tools, they use a team approach to examine problems up close, helping patients breathe easier and feel better.