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Bariatric Revision Surgery

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Bariatric Revision Surgery

Patients might infrequently require further surgery after undergoing any type of bariatric operation. Causes for a second operation may range from a mechanical problem with the first operation that have resulted in long term problems such as persistent vomiting and, or worsening acid reflux.

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Weight loss failure or early weight loss plateau may also be due to a mechanical problem with the first operation or inability to be compliant with lifestyle changes with the first operation. With weight loss failure, early plateau or weight regain, the initial steps would be to restart the appropriate diet and follow all the post-operative rules.

Investigating the first operation with an upper GI x-ray and, or upper endoscopy will also be required. Your bariatric surgeon will determine if revisional surgery or converting to a second procedure is indicated.

Examples of weight loss revision surgery include:

  • Removing the Lap-Band and performing a sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass or duodenal switch.
  • Performing a Gastric bypass revision by relocating the Roux limb further down on the bowel track increasing malabsorption, allowing the patient to achieve weight loss.
  • Revising a sleeve gastrectomy to a bypass procedure.
  • Converting an older type of operation — like a vertical-banded gastroplasty — to a gastric bypass.

It should be noted that a second operation will always carry a greater risk of complication than the original procedure. Before any bariatric revision surgery at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, you will need to:

  • Attend a webinar.
  • Meet with the bariatric surgeon.
  • Meet with the program dietitian.
  • Meet with the program psychologist.
  • Undergo recommended testing and comorbidity related physician consults.
  • Attend boot camp.

Come to the office prepared with a journal detailing meals, exercise and any other attempts at weight loss. If another surgeon performed the original operation, please obtain the operative report from the original surgeon’s office. This will allow us to determine exactly what the first operation was and how it was performed. After evaluation, if weight loss revision is not an option, AtlantiCare offers a comprehensive medical management weight loss program that can help you achieve and meet weight loss goals.

Bariatric revision surgery should only be considered when all other options are exhausted, due to its risk of complications. Please complete the webinar or contact the AtlantiCare Access Center at 1-844-218-6194 to schedule and attend a live seminar with a surgeon.