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Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

If you or someone you love has severe aortic stenosis but is not a good candidate for open-heart surgery, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is an excellent option to consider. Performed through a catheter, this minimally invasive procedure allows a new valve to be implanted within the diseased valve while the heart is still beating. This may offer immediate relief of debilitating symptoms and help you enjoy a longer, healthier and more active life.


Research shows that among patients with medically treated moderate-to-severe aortic stenosis, mortality from the onset of symptoms is approximately 25% at one year and 50% at two years. Traditional aortic valve replacement has proven to be a life-saving procedure, but may not be viable for those at high-risk, either due to age, history of heart disease, frailty or other health issues. With the innovative TAVR procedure, AtlantiCare can now offer new hope and healing to these patients.

TAVR can be performed a number of different ways, including an incision through the leg, the upper chest or between the ribs. Regardless of the approach, patients typically feel better immediately and recover faster.

Other benefits of TAVR may include:

  • Improvement in common symptoms of aortic stenosis, such as shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue
  • Less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Lower risk of cardiac and respiratory complications
  • Fewer days in the ICU
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Faster return to normal activities

Am I A Candidate?

While many people have benefited from TAVR, it is considered a major interventional/surgical procedure.

During your consultation, our TAVR team will help determine your benefit versus risk based on your past medical history and current physical condition. We also encourage you to share any and all questions and concerns.