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Spot the Signs of a Stroke (The F-A-S-T Method)

Fast action during a stroke can be the difference between life and death. Fortunately, there are many stroke warning signs. To help you remember the signs and how to respond, just use the word "FAST." That's F-A-S-T.

What is a Stroke?

Simply defined, a stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving your brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. There are two types of strokes:

  • Ischemic: The major cause (87 percent) is a blocked brain artery resulting in an insufficient supply of blood to part of the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic: The lesser cause (13 percent) is the rupture of a brain artery bleeding into or around the brain.

It's estimated that 795,000 people suffer from stroke every year. About 610,000 are first occurrences; 185,000 are repeat strokes. Getting immediate medical care for stroke symptoms is critical. It can mean the difference between complete recovery and a lifetime of serious disability. 

Stroke Symptoms: Getting immediate medical care for stroke symptoms is critical. 
Know the symptoms. 

Who Is At Risk? Every 45 seconds, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke. It's important to know the risk factors for stroke.
Know the risk factors.

Treatment for Stroke: AtlantiCare is both state-designated and nationally accredited. 
Learn more about treatment options.