Shared Governance

AtlantiCare Shared Governance empowers nurses at all levels of the organization to work collaboratively in developing and implementing structures and processes that support shared decision-making through professional accountability and interprofessional relationships. This strives to foster a safe work environment and improve the quality of care and staff and customer satisfaction. Councils include:
- Unit Based Forums
- Nursing Advisory Council
- Ambulatory Nurse Advisory Council
- Nurse Executive Council
- Nursing Leadership Council
- Ambulatory Nursing Leadership Council
- Advanced Practice Nurse Council
- Professional Development and Recognition Council
- Nursing Research and EBP Council
- Clinical Practice and Informatics Council
- Coordinating Council
Unit Based Nursing Forums
Unit based nursing forums provide a structure of shared decision-making for nurses, staff and leaders. Nurses and the unit based healthcare team provide input regarding unit operations, clinical issues, and professional development opportunities. Unit nurses assist and lead innovations and improvements through analysis, design and implementation of processes, education, safety improvements, workflow design, staff and patient satisfaction and quality initiatives.