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Arthritis Aqua Basic/Aquaplus

Appropriate for all fitness levels. This aqua class combines one hour of cardio and strength training movements utilizing all the properties of water to keep your joints safe and still give you a great workout.  Taught by an Arthritis Foundation Certified Aquatic Instructor.

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Aqua Intervals

Appropriate for all fitness levels. This one hour aqua class combines bursts of cardio and endurance training along with strength training using foam barbells. This class will help you to maintain the muscle mass that is lost with age and keep you fit and tone.

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Get into the swim of things with this stress free workout. The buoyancy of the water will make this total body workout easy on the joints, intense on the muscle groups while enabling positive muscle strengthening to the lower back muscles. This workout also gives excellent cardio and endurance training.

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Relax and stretch in the warm water therapy pool performing moves with a mixture of Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi. This class is easy on your joints and will have you leave feeling refreshed to conquer the next day. This class is appropriate for all fitness levels.

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Intermediate to advanced fitness level. This high impact, high cardio aqua class will get your heart rate up and challenge your ability and your knowledge of boxing and karate. Come prepared to move and kick-it-up in this full hour class!

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Aqua Boot Camp

Intermediate to advanced fitness level. This full hour, high energy aqua class is packed with intense cardio and endurance moves that will challenge even the best of you!