Ocean City Intermediate Blog
Through receiving the generous donation of an AED to Ocean City Intermediate School, we are able to ensure safe trips when students travel off campus. This request was made since we did not have enough AED’s to accommodate the various field trips that occur here on a weekly basis.
Now, with this AED, we are able to send an AED with the school nurse or CPR-certified staff member when they leave campus for a field trip. This is especially critical when we have a student with a known heart condition or when we travel to a location such as the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor, NJ. Some field trip locations, such as the aforementioned Wetlands and the beach, do not have readily accessible AEDS. This provides an extra layer of safety for our students and staff from Ocean City Intermediate School.
We intend to utilize it as intended, and it is intended for use by those fully trained in CPR and AED. The Ocean City school district provides this training on a biannual basis to more than half of our coaching and teaching staff. We have 351 students in grades 4-8 and 75 staff members at Ocean City Intermediate School.
All of these stakeholders are affected by the acquisition of the Cardiac Science AED from Team Life. We are so grateful for the lifesaving device and look forward to the collaboration with AtlantiCare Healthy Schools to ensure ongoing student safety.