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Patient Registration, Consent Forms, & No Show Policy

Male patient with clinched fist on chest

If you are a new patient or an existing patient and would like to update your information, please download, print, and complete the forms below. Please bring the completed forms to your next appointment to expedite your visit.

Forms for Primary Care Plus and Urgent Care Centers:

Patient Registration Packet (English) 

Patient Registration Packet en Espanol


We want you – and all the members of our community – to be successful on the path to better health and wellness. The first step in making that happen comes when you are a present and active participant in your health.

Our AtlantiCare Physician Group team of staff and providers work hard to make sure we are available when you need to be seen. When you fail to arrive for an appointment without giving us advance notice, it not only impacts our team. It also affects your friends and neighbors who were unable to get an appointment because we thought we’d be seeing you.

We know that unanticipated events and appointments happen and may keep you from making your appointment. When they do, we ask that you give us a call at least 24 hours in advance so we can plan to see other patients.

When you fail to arrive for an appointment, we will record you as a “No Show” and reach out by phone and mail to reschedule. If 3 No Shows take place in a single year, we may recommend you seek out a new provider for your healthcare needs.

AtlantiCare also has a “late arrival” policy. This means when you fail to arrive within 15 minutes of the expected visit time, you may be rescheduled. If this occurs 3 times, we may recommend you seek out a new provider for your healthcare needs. If your provider, by chance has a cancellation or opening that same day, you could be seen later that day.

Your health and well-being are our priority, and we need your help to make it happen. If you have any questions about our policy, please speak to a member of our front office staff.