Beach Haven School Blog
Exciting Equipment arrived at Beach Haven School! Students enthusiastically welcomed Kadima, Can Jam, disc golf, volleyballs, and scooters. We are also able to venture to the beach to use many of our new items. Jam and disc golf can be used in the school, on the playground, or on the beach. We are just a block from the beach and the sand provides a different experience for each game. Perhaps with the wind stronger at the beach, students need to adjust their throws and technique for each game! Students have been very motivated to learn the new games and rules and have displayed excellent sportsmanship. All of the new equipment was carefully planned for with the hopes of utilizing it in a variety of ways. We are able to use all items in physical education class, recess, and during our afterschool W.I.N. program.
In the fall, we plan to partner with the Beach Haven Police Department with our scooters. They will work to further support safety while riding a scooter, the use of helmets, and the rules of the road. Additionally, our school welcomes students to learn from each other. Our sixth graders work with preschool and kindergarten students to model our new equipment. Everyone benefits from these opportunities. Students and faculty are grateful for the opportunity to apply for such meaningful grants through AtlantiCare.