About Our Foundation

The AtlantiCare Foundation was established in 1977 and charged with generating significant charitable support to ensure AtlantiCare’s vision of building healthy communities was carried out to benefit current and future generations residing in southeastern New Jersey.
Over the years, charitable dollars have supported the construction and expansion of buildings; have funded community based initiatives such as our Healthy Schools, Health Children program; and have supported educational scholarships and patient care funds. The support of our donors, who have generously taken a moment to make a difference, has been vital as we continue to pursue and deliver excellence in healthcare quality and patient satisfaction.
AtlantiCare is committed to delivering health and healing to all through trusting relationships. It is these relationships that have allowed us to become the nationally recognized healthcare organization that we’ve become today. And it will be these relationships that continue our legacies of ensuring care to all, regardless of their ability to pay, and working with partners to meet the healthcare needs of the greater community that we are proud to serve. Our commitment to those we serve remains at the forefront as we continue to transform, grow and prepare for the healthcare needs of the future.
As healthcare continues to evolve to be more efficient, affordable and effective, philanthropy and the support of our donors becomes more important than ever to our continued success and growth. The generous gifts of our donors ensure the care and services you and your family need are available to you-right here- when they are needed the most.