HONORS Scholarship

HONORS Scholarship
HONORS mission is to support the goals of AtlantiCare by promoting and understanding the roles and contributions made by veteran and active duty military employees and family members.
Application Information:
The HONORS Scholarship supports the academic endeavors of AtlantiCare employees and/or their family members who have current or past service with the U.S. military and are pursuing a career in healthcare (clinical or non-clinical fields). Upon application review, one student will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Open to active AtlantiCare employee who is or was active duty U.S. military OR the child, grandchild, or related U.S. military member of an active AtlantiCare employee in good standing
- Employee's Proof of military service (DD214, Military ID Card, VA Documentation)
- The scholarship recipient must have previously maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater.
- If you are an AtlantiCare employee:
- No counseling or disciplinary actions in the previous 12 months.
- No ‘Opportunity for Improvement’ ratings in the Values section or the Overall Rating of the latest performance evaluation.
- Essay: (not to exceed 1000 words)
- Reason and area of interest in the healthcare sector.
- Why do you think it is important for people to serve in the military?
- If you had the opportunity to personally thank a military member returning home from deployment, what would you say to them?
How has your service in the military impacted your decision to continue your education?
Application Process:
Thank you for your interest in the HONORS Scholarship. The August 30th deadline for application submission has passed. This application will reopen in Spring 2025.