HOPE Scholarship

H.O.P.E Scholarship
H.O.P.E. focuses exclusively on recovery from addictions. H.O.P.E.’s mission is to provide education, awareness, support, and advocacy for the needs of recovering individuals and the family/friends of those who are affected by addictions, throughout the healthcare continuum and in our community.
Application Information:
The Helping Others achieve Personal Excellence (H.O.P.E.) ERG scholarship annually supports the academic endeavors of AtlantiCare employees and/or their immediate family members who wish to pursue careers in healthcare (clinical or non-clinical fields) and whose academic goals align with H.O.P.E.’s mission. Upon application review, one student will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Open to AtlantiCare employees and/or their family members who will pursue a career in the healthcare sector.
- Student is enrolled full-time (as defined by their college/university).
- GPA - 3.0 or greater
- Enrollment Verification
- College Transcript
- Essay: (not to exceed 800 words)
o Reason and area of interest in the healthcare sector.
o How obtaining the degree would support both your own growth as well as the growth of the organization as you develop your career path.
o How does H.O.P.E.’s mission align with your academic goals?
Application Process:
Thank you for your interest in the HOPE Scholarship. The August 30th deadline for application submission has passed. This application will reopen in Spring 2025.