Robyn O. Begley Nursing Scholarship

Application Information:
The Robyn O. Begley Nursing Scholarship was established in 2019 to honor the legacy of former AtlantiCare Chief Nursing Officer, Robyn O. Begley. Robyn started AtlantiCare in 1983 as a nurse in the maternity ward, and moved into many roles, eventually becoming Chief Nursing Officer. She left the organization in 2018 to pursue the dream of a lifetime, advocating and advancing the career nursing at the highest level, as Chief Executive Officer of the American Organization of Nurse Executives and Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer of the American Hospital Association.
The intention of this scholarship is to ease the financial burden and assist individuals in achieving their goal of pursing an advanced nursing degree. Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in MSN, NP, and DNP program.
Each year one student is awarded a $5,000 scholarship and recognized during Nurse’s Week.
Application Criteria:
- Applicants are limited to AtlantiCare nurses.
- The scholarship recipient must have previously maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in any prior nursing degree program.
- Scholarship recipients must have applied and been accepting into an accredited advanced nursing program.
- Applicants must submit a complete application form along with a two-page essay, proof of a completed BSN program, verification of enrollment in an advanced nursing degree program, and a letter of support from their immediate supervisor or other AtlantiCare nursing leader.
Application Process:
Complete applications and supporting documents must be postmarked by April 11, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Click here for the Robyn O. Begley Nursing Scholarship application form.