Grants & Contests

2024-2025 AtlantiCare Healthy Schools, Healthy Children Funding Opportunity
Since 2005, AtlantiCare has been partnering with area schools to improve the health and wellness of staff, students and their families, with a vision of building a healthier community. In the 2024-2025 school year, AtlantiCare Healthy Schools, Healthy Children will continue to award to partner schools to promote the adoption and sustainability of wellness actions that align with AtlantiCare’s strategic community initiatives.
- 2024-2025 Grant Application Guidelines
- 2024-2025 Grant Application Worksheet
- 2024-2025 Grant School Health Survey Worksheet
2024-2025 Healthy Schools, Healthy Children Contests:
- NEW Bullying Prevention Poster Contest
- Fall Healthy Recipe Contest
- Winter PSA Video Contest
- Green Mustache Contest
- What Are the Keys to Mental Wellness Contest
For questions regarding any of the AtlantiCare Healthy Schools, Healthy Children funding opportunities or contests, please contact the Healthy Schools team at [email protected]