Midtown In Motion

Midtown Atlantic City Neighborhood Revitalization
Did you know that a large part of your health is determined by societal and environmental factors? While access to healthcare and our behaviors also play a role, the factors surrounding where you live have a greater opportunity to influence your health and longevity. AtlantiCare is taking a greater role in ensuring that all in Atlantic City have the opportunity to achieve their optimal health and enjoy a long and active life. In 2020, AtlantiCare was awarded funds and invited to lead a planning effort to support the revitalization of Midtown Atlantic City- the heart of the Atlantic City community.
Midtown Atlantic City Neighborhood Revitalization
Since that time, we’ve collected surveys, gathered community feedback, and developed a resident-led plan which prioritizes housing, arts and culture, business development and community safety. This work continues to evolve and grow----all with the goal of creating a vibrant, healthy and thriving Midtown. These efforts are being led by the newly formed Midtown Atlantic City Community Development Corporation, of which AtlantiCare is proud to support. Check out the most recent happenings and work planned by visiting www.midtownacnj.org.