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At AtlantiCare, we use medications, procedures and sophisticated monitoring technology to aide your comfort and well-being before, during and after your procedure.

You may need anesthesia if you:

  • Are having surgery
  • Need very uncomfortable or anxiety producing procedures
  • Have a condition benefiting from relief of pain, such as childbirth
  • Treatment of chronic pain conditions

We offer 3 primary types of anesthesia:

  • General anesthesia helps you feel no pain and have no memory of the procedure.
  • Regional anesthesia numbs a large area of the body, such as your arm.
  • Local anesthesia numbs small areas, such as a patch of skin.

Why choose AtlantiCare for your anesthesia care?

  • Specialized care: Our providers have developed expertise by extensive experience or advanced training after residency (fellowships). For instance, if you are having heart surgery, our cardiovascular anesthesiologists have expertise to manage patients through heart surgery.
  • Safety: We monitor your vital signs continually, on a minute-by-minute basis. A member of our team is with you shortly before the procedure starts and does not leave your side until it is appropriate to transfer your care to non-anesthesia health care providers. This uninterrupted care allows for immediate response to your changing condition during a procedure.
  • Comfort: If you are having major surgery, such as a knee or hip replacement, your care may include a nerve block. This treatment minimizes discomfort in the period following surgery, to facilitate your recovery.
  • Convenience: You may be able to complete your pre-procedure anesthesia evaluation by phone. During an initial evaluation, we learn about your health history and status, to formulate an appropriate plan for you. You may be eligible for a phone consult if you are having a minor procedure and are in good health.