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Home Hospice

Home Hospice.
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Home Hospice

Putting Comfort and Compassion Above All.

At a certain point, a patient’s body may stop responding positively to treatment for illness. When ongoing treatment is no longer an option, it’s time to consider transitioning to a style of care that focuses less on curing an illness and more on controlling symptoms and minimizing pain.

At AtlantiCare, we provide end-of-life care in the most comfortable place possible — the patient’s home, or in the home of a close loved one. Our home hospice specialists are here to fulfill any medical, personal, spiritual or emotional needs or wishes, and to support you as you work through the process alongside them.


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When the time comes, we’ll give your loved one the compassionate, fulfilling end-of-life care they need to live out their days in comfort, with dignity and at peace.